Font book antiqua
Font book antiqua

font book antiqua

Book Antiqua™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Because it is distinctive and gentle in appearance it can be used to give a document a different feel than is given by the more geometrical designs of most text faces.

  • Copyright Digitized data copyright The Monotype Corporation 1991-1995. This is a roman typeface based on pen-drawn letters of the Italian Renaissance. Description This is a roman typeface based on pen-drawn letters of the Italian Renaissance.
  • font book antiqua

    Book antiqua was originally developed book antiqua. Trademark Book Antiqua™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Book antiqua family ( 4 fonts) is a roman typeface based on pen- drawn letters of the italian renaissance.Its beautiful italic has many uses of its own. The number of glyphs (characters) of the font Book Antiqua Bold - 667. Font Book Antiqua Bold belongs to the categories Bold, Cyrillic. Examples of the Book Antiqua Bold font can be found on the font site AZFonts. This will temporarily remove Book Antiqua from the font list of non-Office programs. Book Antiqua font with the Bold style belongs to the Book Antiqua family. If the fonts are there, please open Font Book and select Book Antiqua, then right-click and choose Disable 'Book Antiqua' Family. It is also useful for occasional lines, as in letter headings and compliments slips. There should be 4 fonts called Book Antiqua Bold Italic.ttf, Book Antiqua Bold.ttf, Book Antiqua Italic.ttf and Book Antiqua.ttf. Description This is a roman typeface based on pen-drawn letters of the Italian Renaissance.

    Font book antiqua